Only W is not around... because of the stupid monster/devil/irritating/ultimately subzeroEQ manager who made her work OT ON AN L&E DAY. Anyone who kena his job is SUAY SUAY SUAY. He is truely 100% hateful i tell u!
Anyway its really great to be able to spend last thursday with them after work. After our individual jobs, it was great to get together to share our thoughts on IA and the whole secondment thing and complain to each other about the TERRIBLE PEOPLE who we have to work with. Afterall, we know each others' 'tong ku' best.
We headed to Canele for dinner and then went to Thumper for Ladies' Night. It was quite an adventure because we arrived at Goodwood Park Hotel at 9pm and realised that there was a private event going on and we could only enter at 10.30pm. Refusing to wait, we cabbed down to Clarke Quay to try out Arena, which had Ladies Night too. BUT.... it was damn boring!!!! It was almost empty, their staff attitude sucked and the free Sex on the Beach was so diluted. We stayed there for about half an hour and decided to cab back to Thumper at around 10pm.
Thumper was not fantastic but it was much better than Arena - the service was MUCH better, the snacks were good and each of us get two free quality housepour. Tried Cranberry Gin for the first time and think it tastes not bad! There was also a live band playing. We were joking that the lead singer was very poser and that his singing is so-so. Then a few days later he was featured on the newspaper and I realised that he is a shareholder of Thumper! Haha totally cannot tell =P
Work has been very depressing the past 1.5months. After the last job with devil benny, I was thrown to another job ALONE, when there is another AM available, who was supposed to be on the job with me, and the TIC, who is super disorganised and blur, decided to let me, an associate who just got seconded over with 1.5months of IA experience, to do the job alone, and let the AM go on leave?!?!(ok, thats a long sentence) Wah it totally sucks man. Though I know I am not alone in that situation - everyone is complaining about how disorganised she is.
For the past week, everyday I just wanna go home and stone. because my brain was totally drained from all the thinking in the day. I have never hated my work so much before!
Though I haven't being meeting up or going out alot these few weeks, I am quite happy with the way it is. Just spend time resting at home, relax, allowing time to pass as slowly as possible so that my weekend seems longer. Today my mum cooked chilli crab which I ahve been craving for - YUM! and I played my role of a good daughter by helping her wash the dishes and vacuuming and mopping the floor of the whole house. Weekends should be spent like this more often man!
Work has been depressing, nevertheless, I am glad that hell is over for the time being. Next week I am going to help out in the recruitment event i.e. slack. Mainly its to guide the interviewees for their interview and bring them around the office. And the following week I am going on my Krabi trip~~~ YEAH... i hope the protestors in Bangkok dun come over to Phuket/Krabi laaaaaa.
Then... Ah C will be back!!!
Then i will be going back to assurance to serve peak for one month...
Then prob I will be doing IA for NTU (back to school!)
and then.....
I hope I get taken out of the job under benny.
And then its April (fate still undecided)
then i am going to the US!!!!
then its June...
and BONUS time!!!
then... maybe I will be gone.
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