

Sunday, 24 August 2008

This weekend I didn't really go anyway or doing anything special in particular.

A few hours of my Saturday was spent running some personal errands, and the rest of the day I stayed at home watching Hongkong drama DVD (Tang Xin Feng Bao II and another new show called Tian Yan Mi Yu) and played Wii ( i unlocked all circuits and all events already!)

I kind of like this time to myself.. just to rest and relax... away from crowds and noise.

It seems like I have not been meeting up with the girls as often as before. Its partly cos everyone is attached now and has alternative activities to keep them occupied. Some are tied down with work. Some with other commitments. Its partly because I am in a saving mode too, and eating out and entertainment is just too costly to be done on a regular basis. I mean, sometimes the amount of money spent just isnt worth it, as the money can be spent on better things. Don't get the wrong impression that I have to eat bread everyday though, haha, just need to priortise and use money more wisely.

Nevertheless, I don't think meeting up less has in anyway strained our friendship.. right? Cos friends are not there just for you to pass your time with. Real friends dun have to be around you everyday, but are people whom will be there whenever you need someone to talk to, and whom you can talk to, even if you dun see each other every day.

I still love you all! =P

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