

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Happiest shoppers

The following is an article I read on the Straits Times today:

What type of shopper are you?

Big spenders: Buy everything at full price and buy only the best

Value-seekers: Seek bargains on nice things

Non-spenders: Don't spend much and don't want to

Experiencers: Spend freely on experiences, such as good food or travel, but are not materialistic

The happiest shoppers are people who aren't hung up on money or things. They'd rather spend on experiences, like dining out or travelling.
Experiencers are the happiest while big spenders are the least happy and have the most credit card debt.

I think me and Ah C safely fall in the experiencer category.. cos we don't mind spending less and saving up on normal days but can hardly control our splurging when it comes to holidays =P

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