The night turned out to be boring, as expected. Half of my run went off at 10+ to go play board games at some eastern part of Singapore, which i din go cos, first, it was far away from my house, and second, i dun play boardgames after 10pm cos my brain is not really working anymore. So i stayed at st james and people-watch.
Caught some dirty dancing of a fellow colleague and her ex-boyfriend, and a drunkened girl crying outside the toilet at one point and laughing on the dancefloor half an hour later. Its really weird to see seniors shaking themeselves to the music, lost in their world, when u normally see them very serious at work. Maybe music and free booze is their avenue of releasing stress ba. At around12+, a few run mates and I decided we should leave and while waiting outside for everyone to gather, we witnessed some interesting scenes. We saw a senior got carried out of the club by a group of other seniors, serious looks on their faces and a manager drove in a car to send her off. That woman must be real drunk cos she was almost unconscious. Then another was this girl who kept shouting at other people. I think she does that everytime she drinks cos the last bash at Thumper, she did the same thing. And she will start screaming and kicking the guys around her, DAMN FUNNY I TELL U.
Crazy things people do when they are drunk.
Ya, so after we left St James, we went for supper at the 24-hour Mr Teh Tarik Cartel at Tiong Bahru Plaza (which is near my house, yea!), chatted till 2+ then went home. Oh man... prata, roti john, mutton briyani and mee siam at 2am!
I love my weekends with the girls~!
Actually i expected sentosa to be cancelled becos ning and i had company bash and din confirm the plans with the other girls. But~~~~~~~ saw ning online at 8+ in the morning and we decided to head down to sentosa afterall. Spent the first half of the day lazing at palawan beach and fell asleep on the suntanning deck... (i was sheltered and had sunblock on cos i din wanna get tanned. quan, i din tan! $10 pls!).
And then i had sushi tei for dinner~~~!! Yes, i can have jap food everyday, haha. Wanted to catch Harold and Kumar but tickets were sold out, so we went Liquid Kitchen to watch Man U vs Chelsea. Havent watch soccer match in a long time and i had a great time! though Man U lost. I wanna watch more soccer games! I dun know how to analyse the games or remember the names of every soccer player in the teams. Nor am i updated about the soccer scene now. But i just love to watch the game.. and i wanna play! i miss playing soccer! but i must get my boots first.
Some Kay Poh road along River Valley.
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