

Friday, 18 September 2009

I am sorry

I know I have not been a good daughter. More often than not, I am more concerned with my own life rather than with my parents'. Giving home allowance on time each month was the 'best' thing i think i ever did for them.. but it turned out to be a bad thing, as i wrongly made myself believe that i have been a good daughter as such, neglecting the basic respect that i should have for them.

Today my Dad slapped me for the first time ever since I can remember. Because I interrupted in an argument between him and my mum and I raised my voice. I always side with my mum because she is always the tolerant one giving in, and my Dad is someone who never thinks he is wrong. And me, being me, always step in to help my mum, and many times raised my voice in order to bring my point across to my dad. I think today i overdid it.

I am not angry or upset. Instead, it was a wake up call. Whatever it is, whether right or wrong, a daughter should never shout at his dad. and i did it too many times. I took it for granted that others can tolerate that temper of mine, and today i tested the limits of that threshold.

Today I also hugged my dad for the first time ever since I can remember. And I told him I am sorry..

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