Prior to skiing I have watched beginner skiing videos on youtube because I didn't want to waste money on lessons. It looked pretty easy but it actually was kind of difficult, especially for someone like me who is scared of speed and slopes - I don't know why I am not afraid of rollercoasters (I was before I worked at Cedarpoint) - but when I am the one in control of a speedy situation, it scares me. So the three thours before lunch, I was maintaining the pizza (skis are in a inverted v-shape so as to reduce speed) and my hamstrings and thighs were aching like mad (imagine maintaining a squat for most of the time).
We had lunch at one of the restaurants on the mountains and the only way down was to ski down a partially blue (intermediate) slope or take the lift down, We went with a group of boys who mostly skiied for the first time but they were game to try it. And of cos it was no problem for another couple who were snowboarding for at least the third time. Initially I felt a little pressured to go with them though I know I wasn't ready for it - I still haven't learned to stop properly yet! I guessed Tay C saw the uncertainty in my eyes (even though I said I could go) and reassured me that its ok not to go if I wasn't ready. So after some consideration, haha I decided to be a loser and take the ski lift down. I wished I was more daring but then I know if I were given a second chance I would still take the lift down. I guess in my opinion, sports is not just about having done something, but about doing something well through the right techniques, and I knew I didn't have the right techniques yet. I wouldn't want to get myself injured because I was rushing through something new I have just learned. And it is really all about having fun and not getting stressed over what I dare not do, right? :) I really like having Tay C around when I do all this scary activities because he always manage to assure me that I will be safe and that I will have a good time. He is always my best instructor :)
So after lunch we went back to the beginner slopes and I practiced my accelerating, slowing down, moving right and left. I must say it was a decent accomplishment that afternoon. I wasn't afraid of going fast (which means I do less "pizza" and hence less aching hamstrings and thighs) and could gradually slow down and stop at my desired position. But I will need to work on the cutting stop (where you stop abruptly and quickly by turning both skiis perpendicular to the slopes) before I could go on any blue slopes. All in all, it wasn't too bad for a day!

These are the boys who came for the trip. They are actually in different phases training in different places currently but have in one point or another been in Laughlin AFB for their UPT course. I think its great they are able to get together on this trip and exchange their flying experiences though really, sometimes I dread that all they talk about is flying -_-

Ah C was studying for 4 years in USAFA and hence spent a great deal of time in Colorado Springs and met a lot of great people. So aside from skiing, I think what both of us were even more happy about was to be able to meet these people again.
One of the most memorable places was Lemongrass Bistro, where I have eaten the best Vietnamese food to date. In ah C's USAFA days, he seldom left the academy because he was studying hard and at the same time saving money. The only times he was out were usually the time he goes to Lemongrass Bistro partly because he loved the food, and mostly because he enjoyed talking to the restaurant owner Dang. Their relationship was not of owner and patron, but more of a friendship built up over the years. This is also why when Dang insisted on treating on to this meal, we didn't try too hard to reject it, cos we wanted to acknowledged this friendship. Dang kept saying that this was very special to him and he was really happy we came back to visit him and I know Ah C felt the same way when he told me he wished we didn't go skiing and spent more time visiting instead. Though this is only my third time here, I felt really touched by everything that was going on. There isn't much words to describe the bond that they have, you just feel it. When they hugged goodbye and I could almost see it coming, that they will both tear. I know its silly but I couldn't help but teared too. It seems that Dang has had some tough time dealing with his health lately. Its sad when you see people dear to you, whether family or friends, getting weaker with age and acknowledging the fact that they will leave you one day. I wish we will have more chances to visit before we leave next July.

After Lemongrass, we headed to visit the Matheson family, who were Ah C's sponsors while he was studying at the Academy. Being away from family, the Mathesons played important roles in making him feel at home as much as possible. Apart from Lemongrass, he spent most of his time out of the Academy at the Mathesons' home. They are one of the nicest people you will ever meet in your life, and even though they are well to do and have a really big house, they are humble and sensitive and sincere - a family you can pick up many good values from. An unfortunate incident happened to one of their family members just six months back and I was kind of worried how they were coping. But when I saw them on Saturday and see that they are really optimistic and accepting it as another regular part of life, I was in part relieved and at the same time proud of the brave girl. Usually people who you have known for a long time are the ones who are closest to you. But occasionally you meet those who truly impact your life, and the Mathesons are a good example.
Colorado springs - I really wish we would be back again. In part because its such a beautiful place, but mainly because it is a place which holds many beautiful memories for us.
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