It has been two years since he first left, and times have been difficult since, sometimes more than others. But i realized that its even much more difficult for him, because he is alone, far away from his family and close friends, while I have everyone else here.
At times he would tell me he regretted going. but i never ever did regret letting him go. It’s a decision we made together (not you alone, dear), and we made that decision cos that’s the best for him. Such opportunities do not come by easily - for someone to pursue his interests, and at the same time complete his tertiary education under a scholarship. We both know that its also for the best of our future. We took it as a test, which eventually made our relationship stronger than ever.
We have really come a long way… and of cos, like any other relationship, we have had our rough patches. Things went really wrong in my first university year while he was serving his NS, it was a time when I made many new friends and had lots of fun in hall and I thought I didn’t need him anymore. But he held on to me, saying that he wasn’t going to give up on me… and we stayed together eventually. He lost a great deal of faith in me, yet put in so much effort to keep us together.
I dunno what and how it happened, but I guess I fell in love with him all over again. And I am so glad he held on to me.
I think it took two years before he fully regained his faith and trust in me. From this, I learnt that trust is not something that is inherent in a relationship. It is not passive but must be established overtime by actions, not words. And once lost, its not easily regained.
Ah C is everything I want in a person to spend my life with:
someone who loves and takes good care of his family,
who supports his family in a way any rightful son should,
who shows respect for the elderly,
who is loyal to his friends,
who is helpful towards his peers,
who is passionate about his job,
who has ambitions and put them through action,
who is humble, polite, and hardworking,
who has the same passion in sports as me,
who can make my parents happy,
whom I can trust and rely on,
and who can make me happy and love him.
(The ability to perform well in school and at work are just bonus.)
And he is also my role model whom I strive to be like. He taught me some of the most important things in life:
to be filial,
to set your priorities right,
and to work hard for what you want.

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