Never really expected it, but I am in love with Shanghai. Its a modern city, rather highly populated with foreign students and expats. You get great food at reasonable prices here, whether its Chinese, Japanese, French, South American, Korean etc. There's a comprehensive transport system, consisting of public buses, taxis (rather affordable), metro and spacious and clean trains to the outskirts of the city. For a relaxed afternoon, just pop into one of the cafes (American chains Starbucks, Cold Stone Cremery and Haagen Daz are everywhere) where there is wireless internet and magazines are free for perusal. Last but not least, there is H&M (haha!).
Ten things I learnt about Shanghai:
1. Customers do not have the habit of saying Thank You to service staff. If you do, you are very polite. But well, it doesn't hurt to show some courtesy.
2. Chinese on the streets love to push u to get space to walk, and its perfectly normal. So just get used to it if you are there, there is no point in getting agitated because no one really cares except yourself.
3. Taxis are cheap, start ups are about RMB10-RMB12 and can last 5 mins without any increment. A 15-20mins trip costs about estimated RM40 (S$8), so i guess sometimes sharing a cab is cheaper. As comparison, metro train tickets start from RMB3. Generally, taxis go by the meter. However, beware of taxis at the railway station whereby they will request for a fixed rate at outrageous price.
4. Head to Muse 2 for some clubbing action! Great music, no cover charge, cheap drinks, professional singers/rappers/dancers. Way better than Butter Factory or Zouk i will say.
5. Shopping for clothes is not that cheap here, especially at the malls. Nevertheless, there is H&M which offers affordable and fashionable wear. To get boots, go to qi pu lu. You can also get cheap books (around RMB10/per) and DVDs (RMB10/disc) on the street stalls
6. Eating is cheap. Meals at nice restaurants generally cost less than S$10 per person. For illustration: Korean bbq dinner costs RMB30 (S$6. Maybe $30 in Singapore). Chinese food alike Crystal Jade/Tung Lok costs RMB25 (S$5. Maybe S$25 in Singapore)
3-course fusion lunch costs RMB90 (S$18. Maybe $30-45 in Singapore for the same quality)
7. To tell the cab driver a place to go to, name the road AND the intersecting road. Telling them the unit number is of little help.
8. There are no so-called predestrian crossing here! So watch out for on-coming cars in both directions when crossing the road, even at traffic lights.
9. When shopping at qi pu lu, starting bargaining at 30% of the asking price. (i.e ask for RMB70 if asking price is RMB210)
10. Forget the tourist attractions and go off the beaten path!
Hmm, seems like its all about food and shopping.